Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fouke Monster Evidence

Evidence for the elusive Fouke Monster seems few and far between. The first footprints that were cast back in 1971 were placed in a firehouse which subsequently burned down destroying any evidence of the casts. Sometimes so called Fouke Monster foot prints or tracks are often mistaken for bear tracks, because they have separate toe digits, which in this case can be mistaken for something else. When Elizabeth and Bobby Ford had their encounter back in 1971they had claimed they fired several shots at it and believed to have it the creature saying they saw it fall down but found no blood trail. The search of the following day failed to locate any such creature, however large three-toed foot prints were found close to the Ford's house and scratches on the front porch.

Works Cited

 Unknown Explorers-Fouke Monster 2006

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